The real basic facts...


Birthday:  December 26, 1963

Height:  6’

Weight:  Fluctuates

            195 to 225

Eyes:  Blue

Hair:  Not much left...

The basics about me

Likes, dislikes, etc.....

COFFEE:  Folger’s Black Silk

PET PEEVE:  Talking while listening to music

HOLIDAY:  Christmas

RADIO STATION:  WMIL FM 106.1 Milwaukee

ODDITY:  Love to be completely alone at times

CD:  Any of Tim McGraw’s

HOBBY:  Puttering around the house

DRINK:  Milk

ALCOHOL:  Bud Light

FOOD:  Pizza


QUOTE:  They ain’t trying to tackle you if you ain’t

            got the ball.

STRESS BUSTER:  My place on the sofa watching just

                       about anything on TV

SHOES:  Nike

PLACE:  Savannah Georgia, the historic district

SIGNATURE SCENT:  McGraw - By Tim McGraw

MOVIES:  The Color Purple, Flicka, Gone with the Wind


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